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The "Soviet joke," or anekdot , was a common staple of life east of the Iron Curtain. It was common among all walks of life, from ...

Sunday, November 14, 2021

An American, Frenchman, and Russian discuss bravery

 An American, Frenchman, and Russian debate which of them is the bravest.

The American goes first. "My friends and I take ten cars, one of which has the brake lines cut, and we grab a random set of keys, then we go racing. Afterwards, one of us is injured, and the other nine visit him in the hospital."

Then the Frenchman goes. "My friends and I find ten beautiful women, one of whom has AIDS. We roll dice on who we pair up with, and we make love all night long. Afterwards, the other nine visit the sick one in the hospital."

Then the Russian goes. "My friends and I all gather in an apartment, not knowing which of us is an informant, and spend all night telling political jokes. Afterwards, one visits the other nine in jail."

Some variants ditch the one-in-ten aspect, or replace the Frenchman with an Englishman sailing through a storm.

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