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The "Soviet joke," or anekdot , was a common staple of life east of the Iron Curtain. It was common among all walks of life, from ...

Monday, November 15, 2021

Brezhnev gives a speech at the Party Congress

 Brezhnev gives a speech at the Party Congress reporting on the dire nature of production in the Union. "Comrades, the Planning Committee tells me that by next year, we'll run out of meat. What shall we do?"

The hall is silent, until one voice in the crowd says "We'll work ten hours a day!"

Brezhnev continues, "The Planning Committee reports that in two years, we'll run out of dairy products. What shall we do?"

The same voice responds again, "We'll work twelve hours a day!"

Brezhnev continues, "The Planning Committee reports that in three years, we'll run out of bread. What shall we do?"

The same voice says, "We will work day and night without rest!"

Brezhnev's eyes tear up, and he says, "Thank you, dear comrade, for your patriotic initiative! Tell me, where do you work?"

"In a crematorium, Comrade Secretary."

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