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The "Soviet joke," or anekdot , was a common staple of life east of the Iron Curtain. It was common among all walks of life, from ...

Friday, November 12, 2021

An auditor visits a synagogue

 An auditor from the government visits a synagogue. He looks through the rabbi's account books and sees there's nothing out of the ordinary, but he's convinced they must be embezzling goods.

"Comrade Rabbi," he asks, "last year the authorities sent you ten boxes of candles, but every candle leaves leftover wax. Confess, did you sell this wax for profit?"

"Of course not, comrade inspector, we collected it and sent it back to Moscow, and they sent us new candles in exchange. I have the receipt here."

"And what about the three tons of matzoh bread your synagogue requested? You claimed that some of it was spoiled or inedible, a very convenient reason to explain why it's gone..."

"We took every piece of spoiled bread and sent it back to Moscow, and they sent us a new batch in exchange. We have the shipping bills right here."

"And what about the circumcision ceremonies? It says that you performed over 200 of them. Did you illegally sell off the flesh and blood from those on the black market?"

"No, we collected them all and sent them back to Moscow!"

"I'm sure you did. Pray tell, what did they send in return?"

"Well, today they sent you..."

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