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The "Soviet joke," or anekdot , was a common staple of life east of the Iron Curtain. It was common among all walks of life, from ...

Monday, November 15, 2021

Stalin summons Mikhail Sholokhov

 Stalin summons the famous novelist Mikhail Sholokhov, and tells him, "I've read your novel The Reclaimed Land. It's very good, I like it. I was thinking you could write an article, call it something like 'If the Enemy Does Not Surrender, He Is to be Finished Off'?"

Sholokhov is flattered, but replies, "I am afraid I might not be able to, Comrade Stalin. I've been in poor health as of late."

"Don't worry, Comrade. I can arrange for you to have a holiday in Georgia while you write. Enjoy the weather, have some good wine."

"Of course, Comrade Stalin. Please let me bid farewell to my family first."


"In case the article isn't successful."

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