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The "Soviet joke," or anekdot , was a common staple of life east of the Iron Curtain. It was common among all walks of life, from ...

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Progress since the October Revolution

On the anniversary of the October Revolution, the local Party committee meets, and the boss of the local Soviet praises their progress since then.

"Dear comrades! Let's look back at the amazing achievements of our Party after the revolution. For example, look at Maria. Who was she before? An illiterate peasant woman who owned only one dress and no shoes. And now? She's an exemplary milkmaid known over the entire region.

"Or look at Ivan Andreev. He was the poorest man in this village! He didn't own a horse, a cow, or even a wood axe. And now? He's a tractor driver, and has two pairs of shoes!

"Or look at Trofim Semyonovich Alekseev. He was a nasty hooligan, the lowest of drunkards, a dirty gadabout. Nobody trusted him even with a snowdrift in wintertime, and he would steal anything his gaze fell upon. And now he's a Secretary of the Party Committee!"

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