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The "Soviet joke," or anekdot , was a common staple of life east of the Iron Curtain. It was common among all walks of life, from ...

Monday, November 15, 2021

Stalin is brought back to life

 Several years after his death, Soviet science manages to bring Josef Stalin back to life. He is given a tour of how the Soviet Union has fared, and he is greatly disappointed. He barges into a Politburo meeting, where all the officials nervously stand at attention.

"You must do two things to right the course of the Union and return to properly building communism," he says. "First, you must shoot every deputy of the Supreme Soviet. Second, you must paint Lenin's tomb green."

One Politburo member nervously asks, "Why green, Comrade Stalin?"

"I knew there'd be no objections to the first proposal."

There are many, many variants, all centering around the ghost of a past dictator talking to a later one. Ivan the Terrible + Stalin and Stalin + Putin are the most common ones, usually with the second instruction being to "paint the Kremlin blue" or "kill one clown."

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