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The "Soviet joke," or anekdot , was a common staple of life east of the Iron Curtain. It was common among all walks of life, from ...

Friday, November 12, 2021

Rabinovich is emigrating to Israel

 Rabinovich is emigrating to Israel to join his family. At the airport, he's stopped by a customs guard. "What's that bust you're holding?"

"Not what, who! This is a bust of Comrade Lenin, forebear of the revolution! I'll put him on my mantlepiece to inspire me to spread socialism abroad!"

The guard waves him through without further question. After the plane ride, an Israeli customs guard asks him "What's that bust you're holding?"

"No what, who! This is a bust of Lenin, the bastard who made my life hell! I'll put him in my bathroom so I can show him my ass every day!"

The guard waves him through with a laugh. Rabinovich soon arrives at his cousin's house, who asks him "Who's that bust your holding of?"

"Not who, what! This, dear cousin, is five kilos of solid gold!"

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