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The "Soviet joke," or anekdot , was a common staple of life east of the Iron Curtain. It was common among all walks of life, from ...

Thursday, November 11, 2021

One Finn is worth ten Russians!

 A Red Army division is marching through Finland during the height of the Winter War, when they hear a voice in the woods yell "One Finn is worth ten Russians!"

The commander sends in a squadron, and they are all quickly shot dead by a hidden Finnish sniper.

The voice calls again, "One Finn is worth a hundred Russians!" The commander sends in a regiment, and all his soldiers end up shot dead.

The voice yells "One Finn is worth a thousand Russians!" so the commander orders his entire division into the woods, knowing he has enough to overwhelm them.

Only one wounded survivor staggers out, saying "It's a trap, there are two Finns in the woods!"

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