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The "Soviet joke," or anekdot , was a common staple of life east of the Iron Curtain. It was common among all walks of life, from ...

Monday, November 15, 2021

A man is driving with his wife and son

 A man is driving with his wife and young son when they're stopped at a police checkpoint. A policeman makes the man blow into the breathalyzer, and sure enough, he's drunk.

"No way! Your machine must be broken!" swears the man. He urges the policeman to test his wife and son as well. Surprisingly, both of them register as intoxicated. The policeman admits the breathalyzer must be broken after all, and lets them pass without further issue.

As he drives away, the man tells his wife, "See? I knew it would be worth it giving him five grams of vodka!"

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